More information in the interviews published in sonic and jazzpodium magazines.
Dietrich Koch plays soprano-, alto-, tenor- and baritonesax, clarinet, bass clarinet, flute and piccolo, is a tutor, teacher and workshop leader and feels at home in many different musical styles.
Private studies with – among others – Herb Geller and Peter Weniger
2000-2004 studies at the jazz department of “Hanns Eisler” musical conservatory (Berlin)
since 1992 in Berlin working with a.o.: saxophone quartet “Licence To Blow” (Jazz), Lothar Stadtfeld & Friends (Soul & Pop), Berlin Big Band; Maxim-Gorki-Theater, Theater des Westens, Wintergarten-Varieté, Schlossparktheater, Theater am Kudamm, Times Square Productions, “Atze” Musiktheater, lead saxophonist of the Berlin Big Band from 2002 to 2016, Tasha Wenger and her Berlin Band (Latin Vocal Jazz), Two in Bossa (Bossa Nova), Sector Latino (Afro-Cuban Jazz).
Concerts at Copenhague Jazz Festival, Leningrade Festival, in Brussels, Madrid, Barcelona, Granada, Bonn, Munich, Hamburg and many more
Commisioned works as an arranger a.o. for Berlin Big Band, Climate Earth Orchestra, Giacomo Aula.
His bigband compositions and arrangements are played a.o. by Berlin Big Band, Ausbildungsmusikkorps der Bundeswehr, Berliner Jugend Jazz Orchester, Landesjugendjazzorchester Schleswig-Holstein, Big Band “Wüste Welle” Tübingen, Uni Bigband Berlin, Uni Big Band Heidelberg, Great Danes Big Band (Copenhague)
In fall 2012 he led the Berlin Youth Jazz Orchestra (BerlinerJugendJazzOrchester), which performed his “Children’s Songs Series” and other works on two concerts.
He taught jazz saxophone at Musikschule Reinickendorf (district of Northern Berlin) from 2000 to 2016 and musical theory, songwriting and arrangement at “Akademie Deutsche POP”, Berlin from 2008 to 2016. Since 2007 he has been leading the amateur big band Crocodile Princess Jazz Orchestra. From winter semester 2014/15 up to winter semester 2015/16 he was leader of the Uni Bigband Berlin (common big band of Berlin Freie Universität and Technische Universität).
Since 2016 teacher for Music, Politics and History at Georg-Friedrich-Händel-Gymnasium, Berlin.
Current projects:
DIETRICH KOCH BIG BAND: (Contemporary Jazz, Pop, Salsa, playing the leader`s original charts exclusively, CD “BERLIN COOKBOOK” 9/07, final concert at Bundesbigbandfestival 2010)